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About Alkasol (Sugar Free) Liquid:
Alkasol (Sugar Free) Liquid is a urinary alkalizer, used in treating gout and certain kidney stones.
Each 5 ml (One teaspoonful) of Alkasol (Sugar Free) Liquid contains Disodium Hydrogen Citrate 1.40 gm in a palatable base (Saccharin).
Disodium hydrogen citrate is metabolized to bicarbonate, which increases urinary pH by increasing the excretion of free bicarbonate ions, thereby increasing the solubility of cystine in the urine and the ionization of uric acid to more soluble urate ion. This soluble urate ion gets out of the body through urine.
Use of Alkasol (Sugar Free) Liquid:
Alkasol (Sugar Free) Liquid is prescribed as a urinary alkalizer to treat gout, kidney stones, and urinary tract infection by alkalinisation of urine.
Usage direction of Alkasol (Sugar Free) Liquid:
Precaution & Related information of Alkasol (Sugar Free) Liquid:
Storage condition of Alkasol (Sugar Free) Liquid:
Store protect from light & excessive heat.
MRP Rs. 371.00 | Discount 6%
Liquid 450 ml
Best Before Oct 2027