Complan NutriGro, a complete planned food in a drink specially designed for 2 to 6 year old children. It offers an irresistible chocolate flavour and helps maximize your child’s growth potential.
It is enriched with 11 Immunity builders Copper, Zinc, FOS(Fructo Oligosaccharide), Selenium, Beta-Carotene, Probiotic (Bifidobacterium lactic), Necleotides, Vitamin A, C, E and Molybdenum that helps build internal resistance power against common conditions like cold, cough & mild infections.. It has 5 key growth nutrients (Iron, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B 12) based on Indian RDA, 2010. Complan NutriGro is to be taken as part of daily balanced diet. It has DHA for brain development and functioning. It initiates better growth with 39 vital nutrients along with 100% milk protein. It is easy to digest with whey protein, prebiotic and probiotic. It comes in delicious tempting chocolate taste that that your kid will love and will not be able to resist.
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