Compound Benzoin Tincture I.P. 400 ml

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    This product is used on minor skin sores and wounds to protect the area from irritation and infection. Benzoin is also used on canker sores in and around the mouth to protect them so they can heal. It is also used to help relieve and soothe minor irritation of the nose, throat, and airways.

    • Applied to broken blisters & wounds
    • Protects from infection and promotes healing
    • Heals swelling of the throat
    • Pack of 400 ml


400 ml

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Compound Benzoin Tincture I.P. 400 ml

Compound Tincture of Benzoin is a natural product, derived from the resin that is exuded from the bark of trees of the species Styrax benzoin. It is dissolved in alcohol to produce Tincture of Benzoin, a pathological product. The compound tincture consists of 10% benzoin and 70-77% alcohol with aloes, storax and Tolu balsam. It is used to defend and protect vulnerable skin. It is used as a small wound dressing and is said to promote the growth of granulation tissue. It is technically a ‘medical varnish’, forming a sealing ‘film’ over raw tissue to protect wounds from ingress of bacteria. Because of this sealing property it should not be used, for instance, where an infected heloma durum has just been enucleated, in case residual bacteria are ‘sealed in’. It is much used in sport to protect damaged skin areas and blisters, replacing the exudates. It protects skin against maceration and chemical breakdown, which indicates its use as a ‘chemical mask’ to protect healthy skin around verrucae when caustic occlusive dressings are applied in potential cautery. When applied to a skin surface before application of tapes and dressings, the bond strength of the adhesive is increased several-fold. This is useful in sports taping or when we wish to apply a dressing and want it to be retained for a lengthy period to protect feet that cannot be reached. It suppresses skin reactions beneath dressings. By inhalation, Compound Benzoin Tincture is used to treat hoarseness (laryngitis), croup, and other respiratory conditions. In dentistry, Compound Benzoin Tincture is used for swollen gums and herpes sores in the mouth. Use this product as directed. Follow all directions on the product package.

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