Pack Of:- 4
No. of contents in a sales package: 4
Container Type:- Pouch
Flavour:- Pudina
Added Preservative - Yes
Ayush License No.- JK/AY-UN/04/16
Product Information:-
If you are suffering from digestive problems and have been frequently avoiding your favourite food, then its time that your rethink and start having Dabur Hajmola Tablets. Stimulate your digestive power with this Pudina flavoured Hajmola. It is a tasty, fun-filled digestive that can be taken regularly especially after a meal.
Ingredients - Pudina (Mentha spicata, Lf.) 18.58 mg, Amra (Mangitera indica, Fr.) 19.52 mg, Shvetajiraka (Cuminum cyminum, Fr.), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale, Rz.), Pippali (Piper Longum, Fr.) each 3.9 mg, Samudra Lavana 11.27 mg, Sauvarchala Lavana 40.53 mg, Maricha (Piper nigrum, Fr.) 6.98 mg, Pudina 0.47 mg, Dhanyaka (Coriandrum Sativum, Fr.) 2.68 mg, Sharkara 379.49 mg. Permitted Excipients : Q.S. Preservative : Sodium Benzoate I.P.
Storage Condition - Store in cool and dry place.