Herbodil Syrup helps in curing all types of coughs, sore throat and choked voice.
MRP Rs. 60.00 | Discount 6%
100 ml
Best Before Nov 2027
Each 5 ml. (1 teaspoonful) of Herbodil syrup contains extract of :Tulasi 100 mg., Banaphsa 100 mg, Sleshmataka 100 mg, Hapusha 100 mg., Kantakari 100 mg, Draksha 25 mg., Brihati 100 mg., Sunthi 100 mg, Pippali 50 mg., Yashti-madhu 200 mg., Pudina 0.5 mg, Vasaka 200 mg., Yamani 0.5 mg., Shatapushpa 0.5 mg. & Navasadara 100 mg. It is used in the treatment of all types of coughs, sore throat and choked voice. The dosage for adults is 2 teaspoons 3 to 4 times a day and for children it is 1 teaspoon 3 to 4 times a day. The bottle contains 100ml syrup.
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