This whole grain duet of Vanilla and Chocos make your kids’ mornings double the fun. It is a great source of nourishment too.
Kellogg’s Chocos is a great breakfast friend for both mom and kids. While kids love its yummy chocolaty taste, and have fun with the way Kellogg’s Chocos turns milk super-duper chocolaty, moms can feel relieved that they’ve given their child a nourishing breakfast to take on an action packed and fun filled day in school. That’s because Chocos is now made with whole grain, which gives 11 essential vitamins and minerals, and fibre. It supplies energy to the body and keeps your kid active all day long. High in calcium and low in fat- it has all the nutrition that you and your child needs without any extra calories. It’s a duet of taste and fun when vanilla and chocos mix to make a double delight called Kellogg’s Chocos Duet. Now school mornings are double the fun with Kellogg’s Chocos Duet. The pack weighs 375gm.
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