Livina 10 Capsules

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    Pack of: 1 N
    Quantity: 10 N Capsules
    Product Type: Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine
    Mfg License No: AL-535-M

    Product Information:

    Livina Capsule is advised as an ayurvedic proprietary medicine to treat liver ailments and protect liver from hepatotoxic substances. It is also recommended to promote appetite and clear constipation.

    Each capsule contains

    Powder and Extractives derived from :

    Kalmegh [A.Pt.] ( Andrographis paniculata): 50 mg, Kakamachi [Fr.] (Solanum nigram): 50 mg, Bhumiamlaki [PI.] (Phyllanthus niruri): 50 mg, Kokilakshya [PI.] (Asteracantha longifolia): 25 mg, Sarapunkha [PI.] (Tephrosia purpuria): 50 mg, Indrayava [Fr.] (Holarrhena antidysenterica): 25 mg, Guduchi [St.] (Tinospora cordifolia]: 25 mg, Haritaki [Fr.] (Terminalia chebula): 25 mg, Kataka [Rz.] (Picrorhiza kurroa): 50 mg, Daruharidra [St.] (Berberis aristata): 50 mg, Kasni [Fr.] (Cichorium intybus): 25 mg, Saptaparna [St. Bk.] (Alstonia scholaris): 50 mg

    As Preservative

    Sodium Benzoate: 0.5% w/w

    Permitted Colours used in capsule shell

    Key Benefits:

    • Treats liver ailments.
    • Helps to protect liver from hepatotoxic substances.
    • Promotes appetite and also clears constipation.

    Usage Direction:

    • Livina Capsule is recommended to consume orally in a dose and direction as advised by the health care professional.
    • Before consumption always go through the leaflet or label instruction comes with the product.

    Safety Information:

    • If allergic to any ingredients of Livina Capsule, let the doctors know straight away.
    • The doctor should be well informed when concomitant consumption of this one with another medicine.
    • Not to exceed the stated recommended daily usage.
    • Seek Precaution during pregnancy and lactation.

    Storage Condition:

    • Store in a dry place below 25 °C. Protect from direct sunlight.
    • Keep out of reach of children.

PTR: 34.29

MRP Rs. 48.00 | Discount 6%

10 Capsules

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Best Before Jul 2027


Livina 10 Capsules

Livina is a herbal remedy from Dey's Medical Stores for hepatitis due to virus, alcohol or hepatotoxic drugs, general liver dysfunction, anorexia, jaundice, fatty liver, pre-cirrhotic condition of liver. The capsule contains natural extracts of Kakamachi, Indrayava, Sharpunkha, Haritaki, Kakilakshya, Saptaparna, Daruharidra, Kasni and Sharkara. This herbal composition has zero side effects. The dosage is 1-2 tablets twice daily or as directed by the physician. The phile contains 10 capsules.

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