Polycrol Xpress Relief (Sugar free) Orange Flavour Gel 200 ml

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    Pack Of: 1

    Quantity: 200 ml

    Product Type: Antacid Antigas Gel

    Packaging Type: Bottle

    Flavour: Orange

    Sugar-free: Yes

    Mfg. Lic. No: MNB/07/617

    Product Information:

    Polycrol Xpress Relief is an antacid gel that neutralizes the acid content in the stomach and gives relief from the burning sensation in the stomach. It contains activated dimethicone, Magnesium hydroxide, Aluminium hydroxide, and Sorbitol (70%). It provides relief from acidity within ten seconds. The hydroxides present in it help in neutralizing the stomach acids, and the activated dimethicone eliminates the gas entrapped in the stomach and the intestine. Thus, it helps in reducing acidity and flatulence.


    Each 5 ml contains:

    Activated Dimethicone: 125 mg, Magnesium Hydroxide (Added as Magnesium Hydroxide Paste): 100 mg, Aluminium Hydroxide Gel (Added as Aluminium Hydroxide Paste): 5 g, Sorbitol (70%) (Non-Crystallizing): 645 mg

    Colour: Sunset Yellow FCF

    Key Benefits:

    Polycrol Xpress Relief neutralizes the acid content in the stomach and gives relief from the burning sensation in the stomach.

    • Aluminum hydroxide increases the pH in the stomach. The acid present in the stomach is hydrochloric acid. Aluminum hydroxide reacts with this acid and forms salt and water. Thus, the acidity caused by the gastric HCl is reduced by aluminum hydroxide. The salt that forms is aluminum chloride.
    • Magnesium hydroxide shows similar action as aluminium hydroxide. It too forms a salt with acid and reduces the acidity in the stomach. It forms magnesium chloride salt and water.
    • Dimethicone in Polycrol mixed with silicon dioxide gives simethicone (activated dimethicone). Activated dimethicone gathers all the small bubbles trapped in the stomach and intestine and later on, helps in releasing them in the form of belching or farts. It prevents the entrapment of gas in mucus.
    • Sorbitol acts as a laxative. In simple words, it softens the stools and eases the excretion through feces.

    Usage Direction:

    • Polycrol Xpress Relief is intended to consume orally in a dose and direction as advised by the physician.
    • Shake the bottle well before use.
    • Before consumption, always go through the leaflet or label instructions that come with the product.

    Safety Information:

    • If allergic to any ingredients of Polycrol Xpress Relief, let the physician know straight away.
    • The physician should be well informed when the concomitant consumption of this one with another medicine or supplement.
    • If acidity persists, please contact the physician.
    • Seek precaution during pregnancy and lactation.

    Storage Condition:

    • Keep the bottle tightly closed. Store in a cool, dry, dark place and protect it from direct sunlight.
    • Keep out of reach of children.

PTR: 105.71

MRP Rs. 148.00 | Discount 4%

200 ml

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Best Before Oct 2025


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