Purol H Syrup 200 ml

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    Pack Of: 1

    Quantity: 200 ml

    Packaging Type: Bottle

    Product Type: Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine

    Mfg.License No: AL 816-M

    Product Information:

    Purol H Syrup is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine advised to manage Vitiligo, Psoriasis, Alopecia Areata, Canities Oozing, and other associated skin conditions.


    Each 5 ml contains the aqueous extract of :

    Apang A. aspera 12 mg, Aswagandha W. somnifera 30 mg, Anantamool H. Indicus 30 mg, Amloki E. officinalis 60 mg, Bakuchi P. corylifolia 60 mg, Botjhuri F. bengalensis 12 mg, Bhringaraj E. alba 12 mg, Chandan S. album 6 mg, Bael A. manmelos 30 mg, Chalmugra Hydrocarpus 60 mg, Chakunda C. tora 30 mg, Chitamool P. zelanica 12 mg, Gokhur T. terrestris 30 mg, Neem M. azadirachota 30 mg, Gulancha T. corylfolla 12 mg, Haritaki T. chebula 18 mg, Jamchal E. jambolang 12 mg, Kurchi H. anidyeenterica 15 mg, Karanja P. glabra 30 mg, Khadir A catechu 18 mg, Manjistha R. cordifolla 12 mg, Mundi S. Indicus 12 mg, Sajlna M. pterygospema 30 mg, Sirish A.tebbek 30 mg, Til S. Indicum 60 mg, Sorbitol (70% ) Solution, (non-crystaling) 0.5 g, Sodium Benzoate 25 mg, Colour (Caramel) 0.06 ml, Purified water QS to 5 ml.

    Key Benefits:

    Purol H Syrup is advised to manage the bellow-mentioned skin conditions:

    • Vitiligo
    • Psoriasis
    • Alopecia Areata
    • Canities Oozing

    Usage Direction:

    • Purol H Syrup is recommended to consume orally in a dose and direction as advised by the physician.
    • Before consumption always goes through the leaflet or label instruction that comes with the product.

    Safety Information:

    • If allergic to any ingredients of Purol H Syrup, let the physician know straight away.
    • The physician should become aware of the concomitant consumption of this one with another medicine or supplement.
    • Seek precaution during pregnancy and lactation.

    Storage Condition:

    • Store in a cool dark place
    • Keep out of reach of children.

PTR: 98.57

MRP Rs. 138.00 | Discount 6%

200 ml

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Best Before Oct 2027


Purol H Syrup 200 ml

A.Aspera + W.Somnifera + H.Indicus + E.Officinalis + P.Corylifolia + F.Bengalensis + E.Alba + S.Album + A.Mannelos + H.High + C.Tora + P.Zelanica + T.Terrestrs + M.Azadirachota + T.Coryfolia + T.Chebula + E.Jambolang + H.Anidyeeterica + P.Glabra + A.Catechu + R.Cordifolia + S.Indicus + M.Ptarygosperma + A.Lebbeck + S.Indicum + Sorbitol + Sodium Benzoate + Purified Water

Purol H Syrup is a scientific breakthrough in the treatment of vitiligo and psoriasis. It is a remedy for Vitiligo, Canities, Alopecia Areata, Psoriasis and oozing conditions of the skin. This herbal concoction of bhringraj, Anantmool, Bakuchi, Chitamool, Chakramarda, Gulancha, Sirish Chal, Neem, Khadir, Gokhur, Jam Chal, and Saina Chal effectively controls vitiligo, apart from having a diuretic and laxative effect on the body. It is especially indicated in Canities & Alopecia Areata. Regular intake results in healthy skin in just a few days. Take three teaspoonfuls of the syrup two times a day or as directed by the physician. The syrup comes in a 200ml bottle. It has no side effects.

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