OAC Lumbo Sacral Belt is made from four strong & porous elastic bands. Spring steel bars & PP strip ensure good immobilization. Extra elastic band for secure fitting & improved immobilization.
It is made out of porous elastic to promote skin breathing and patient comfort. It has elastic containing Malaysian rubber with high modulus of elasticity. This ensures no permanent elongation of the elastic and hence remains functional year after year. It has a broad panel of hook and loop for better grip and more flexibility in sizing, one size fits varied waist circumferences. It has flexi nylon splints at the back that gives good support & immobilization, yet very comfortable to the patient. It has a double pull elastic mechanism that ensures long life of the hook loop panel, better grip of the belt and better immobilization. It has three layered P.U. bonded fabric for a soft feel, plush looks and is non tear able. It has skin coloured material that provides excellent aesthetics. It is hypoallergenic, helps improve patient compliance and promotes longer life.
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